Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Random Harvest (1942)

A soldier (Ronald Colman) suffering from amnesia wanders away from an asylum just as Armistice is declared. On the verge of being discovered, he is assisted by a stage actress (Greer Garson) who for some reason takes a shine to him. Love blooms, but there are complications.

Neither Garson nor Colman had particularly long careers and I had only seen one film each. But they have been in some pretty noteworthy films, a couple on my watch list. Una O’Connor makes an appearance. This is the seventh film we’ve seen her in. Reginald Owen (A Christmas Carol) and Alan Napier (Batman) have brief appearances.

Pretty Susan Peters has a problematic role and I won’t go into detail. She had a sad, short life. Already a screen veteran, twenty year old Peters was nominated for a best supporting actress Oscar. Three years later a hunting accident would put her into a wheelchair and end her Hollywood career. One comeback was attempted but she would shortly pass, a victim of pneumonia, depression, and anorexia. She was 31.

I don’t believe this film would have been on my radar had it not been for a young woman on YouTube, who absolutely loves it. A pure romantic film and unapologetically sentimental, Random Harvest is squarely outside of my cinematic wheelhouse. And were I to pick nits, there are some story issues. Let's just say in a world that even vaguely resemble our real one, things would not play out anything like this.

Still, Random Harvest a well written, very well acted, and beautifully shot film. Call it fluff, but it’s expertly crafted fluff. AMRU 4.

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